FIR Aachen GmbH

Design Solutions.
Excite Customers.

The service business is crucial for the economic success and optimal market positioning of manufacturing companies. As a partner for innovation, development and the market launch of new services, digital products and subscription business models, the Service Performance Center supports you in your transformation into an intelligent solution provider.

Cross-industry center projects, a strong community and a range of services tailored to service transformation offer the manufacturing industry comprehensive consulting and training opportunities. Find out more about our exclusive services in the area of service transformation and business model development.


11.02.2025 | 3 Fragen an – Dr.-Ing. Jan Siegers, Scheidt & Bachmann Fare Collection Systems

Scheidt & Bachmann Fare Collection Systems ist führender Anbieter von Systemlösungen, die den öffentlichen Personenverkehr einfach machen. Als aktives Mitglied in der SPC-Community beteiligt…

21.01.2025 | Digital Product Manager – Bereit für die Zukunft?

In einer Welt, die zunehmend von Digitalisierung und datenbasierten Geschäftsmodellen geprägt ist, stehen besonders Unternehmen der produzierenden Industrie vor der Herausforderung, digitale Produkte und…

07.11.2024 | 3 Fragen an …KUKA

Als etabliertes Mitglied der SPC-Community beteiligt sich KUKA nicht nur aktiv an den Centerprojekten, sondern auch an unserem Format „3 Fragen an…“. Rainer Kiesswetter…

What we offer



Become a member and gain access to our services. Our offer is aimed at manufacturing companies that want to tackle the transformation from product manufacturer to solution provider.



As a member of the SPC, you become part of a unique community. You benefit from regular exchanges with our exclusive network of experts and a range of events tailored to your interests.

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Work on topics relevant to you in center projects and exchange ideas with experts. Together you will develop solutions to current issues – with minimal effort.




Expand your know-how to make your service organization fit for the challenges of tomorrow. We offer courses on setting up industrial services, digital products and subscription business models.



Take advantage of individual consulting and tried-and-tested assessments. As a center member, you can benefit from individual solutions to increase the performance of your service.