22. June 2020
#coroNO — Buy a ribbon, send a signal, do something good
Our Center Conference tomorrow is intended to be a conference with added value this year, not only in terms of content, but also for society. That is why we are supporting the Cologne charity projects #coroNO and #JoinTheClub with the conference this year.
In recent years, the community of the Smart Services Center at the RWTH Aachen Campus, consisting of numerous national and international companies, has come together in the Cluster Smart Logistics .
This year everything is different, tomorrow’s conference will take place digitally and the high number of registrations shows that our topics: Digitization of industrial companies, the development and distribution of digital products and corresponding digital business models, are becoming more and more relevant.
A society can only function, however, if we all support each other, so it is natural for us to support those who are currently not doing so well and have been looking for a good opportunity. That’s why, instead of the usual investments in the conference buffet, we have invested in the club, loosely based on the motto:
„Buy a ribbon, send a signal, do something good!“
We bought a total of 50 ribbons and rounded up the donation amount to 250,-€. The ribbons are a symbol of solidarity in times like these, similar to the AIDS ribbon, or the LiveStrong ribbon by Lance Armstrong in the fight against cancer. The net profid flow completely into Corona relief actions, which are supported by the non-profit associations Matthias- Scherz e.V. and Lichtblicke e.V.