10. April 2019
One example for best practice can be observed at the site of a tool production company in the south of Germany. They develop new products and services for maintenance together with their customers based on an agile development process. As a result, mobile containers used to rent tools were developed at the customer`s request. The producer had not offered this kind of service previously and developped it in cooperation with customers from the very first idea to the actual market readiness. Initially, the service consisted of a freight container that was equipped with basic tools and analoge rental lists. Based on practice experience, the process was improved and enhanced with further funtions, such as an automatic Registration of a tool rental based on RFID-tags. Due to quick user feedback and the development based on it, all of the companies`customers can nowuse mobile and fully automatic tool stations.
Many companies still rely on an in-depth development of a smart Service from start to finish. Only once the protoype is finalised and fully developed it is presented to customers. The goal, however, should be to develop only the very core functions at first in order to gain an added value for the customer quickly and to collect Feedback for further improvement fast. In a first implementation phase, the focus is on an early market entry of the innovation at the customer site. Consequently, the conscious decision has been made not to develop all functions in their entirety. Due to the focus on the substantial funtions, a short development time and an early customer Access in the market is possible. By doing so, tests and adjustments based on customer requirements can be made early. Ultimately, this leads to a guaranteed market success of the smart service.
With our new consortial project “Digital Service Development”, over the course of 12 months, you will learn how to involve your customer in the development process at an early stage and how to put a strong focus on essential service components. Participating companies benefit from our very own “Smart Service Engineering Approach”.
Your benefit:
- Development and growth of expertise for the development of digital, data-based business models
- Access to the unique development “Smart Service Engineering Approach”
- Successful Practices for the development of digital, data-based business models
- Smart Service Engineering Audit to inspect your current innovation process, detect any weaknesses and derive suitable measures
If you want to be part of our expert meeting as a project participant on 8.08.2019, send me a message!
Your contact
Yona Paproth
Project Manager
+49 0241 47705 230