29. March 2019
The conversations among the participants, who came from various areas, were interesting at this point. Almost every stakeholder along the textile chain could describe their point of view and thus create understanding for the challenges of the individual “chain links”.
There were also a light bulb moment at the keynotes as Verena Heinrichs showed how easy it is to optimize product development and customer satisfaction through the use of social media and also the insights into socio-technical systems in the textile industry by Dr. phil. Jacqueline Lemm were convincing.
You are also part of the textile chain? Then don’t miss the 3rd Experience Day on the future of the textile chain at the Cluster Smart Logistics. Your hosts PTC, the ITA Academy, the FIR at the RWTH Aachen and the Center Smart Services are looking forward to another exciting event on the ”Future of the textile chain” on 22.10.2019.