What we offer

As a member of the Service Performance Center, you will work with us to drive forward innovative topics and benefit from our ecosystem.



Together into the future

As a partner for innovation, development and market launch of new services, digital products and subscription business models, the Service Performance Center supports the transformation to an intelligent solution provider. As a member, you are always up to date with the latest developments in the field of service transformation. With our membership model, we offer the manufacturing industry tailored services that accompany and support them on their journey from traditional product manufacturer to intelligent solution provider. You can choose the right package for your company from three different levels.



Discover the strength of the Service Performance Center community. As a member, you are part of a unique network of companies in the manufacturing industry. Benefit from a regular exchange at community meetings and visit the production sites of other members as part of the center projects. With exclusive access to our community platform, you will receive project results, white papers and management summaries on current service trends.

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A central goal of the Service Performance Center is the definition and implementation of Center projects in the form of innovation projects, benchmarkings, technology studies and expert circles in close cooperation with the member companies. The proximity to RWTH and its institutes as well as a strong network on the RWTH Aachen Campus with industry partners form a unique ecosystem for jointly identifying and working on current issues and market trends at an early stage. In addition, you will find excellent opportunities for exchange with the various stakeholders from companies and the university environment.


Updte your know-how and skills up to date with our certificate courses, which are specially tailored to future-oriented service organizations and have been successfully implemented and further developed for years.

The certified training program consists of the following courses:

Prepare yourself and your employees for current and future requirements with new methods and concepts for service transformation.



Are you still in the early stages of thinking about transforming your service offering or are digital products and subscriptions already part of your everyday life? Regardless of where you are on the path to service transformation, we will support you with our expertise as part of our center projects and training courses. Our individual consulting services and service assessment also enable us to provide you with precise and needs-based support for individual issues.


With our maturity model, the Service Maturity Assessment, you can accelerate the digital transformation of your service organization within three weeks. How do we do this? Using our standardized and tried-and-proven approach, we work with you to create a roadmap that is precisely tailored to your strategic goals and contains clear recommendations for action. These recommendations are crucial for optimizing your use of resources, such as machines, equipment, personnel and time, and for successfully establishing customer-specific, data-based services on the market.